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Internet Scavenger Hunt #11 (7 on the difficulty scale)

This Internet hunt is part of a series of Internet treasure hunts first published in the Times-Colonist newspaper. Please see the main online hunt index for background and a full list of Internet Hunts.

Use the Google search at the top of your screen under the WebLens logo to answer the questions below. Choose your keywords carefully. Don't just type the question into the form.

  1. What island blew up in August, 1883, spreading dust and debris for thousands of miles and provoking earthquakes and tidal waves that caused tremendous destruction and loss of life?
  2. What is the meaning of the word pizzicato?
  3. What popular food product is obtained from a highly poisonous root that locals call manioc?
  4. At what age did Mahatma Gandhi marry and what was his wife's name?
  5. When and where was the first Blue Bird school bus made?
  6. Who was the last reigning queen of the Hawaiian Islands and how did her rule end?
  7. What alcoholic beverage consists solely of equal parts Scotch and Drambui?
  8. What is the name of the smallest bone in the human body?
  9. What travels at approximately 186,000 miles per second?
  10. What two mammals lay eggs?
