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Internet Scavenger Hunt #2 (5 on the difficulty scale)

This Internet hunt is part of a series of Internet treasure hunts first published in the Times-Colonist newspaper. Please see the main online hunt index for background and a full list of Internet Hunts.

Use the Google search at the top of your screen under the WebLens logo to answer the questions below. Choose your keywords carefully. Don't just type the question into the form.

  1. What was the cause of the fire that burned the Globe Theatre to the ground on June 29, 1613?
  2. Who was the mother of Queen Elizabeth I?
  3. What is the hexadecimal code for the colour cyan?
  4. How many people with the surname "Forrester" and the first initial "A." live in Chicago?
  5. What is the distance (as the crow flies) between Los Angeles and San Francisco?
  6. Which consumer products giant has registered dozens of domain names using common ailments and afflictions, including BADBREATH.COM and DANDRUFF.COM?
  7. What is the ticker symbol for Apple Computer Inc. and on which exchange does it trade?
  8. Which online vendor is located in Pasadena and offers over 100 hot sauces, including one called "Nuclear Hell"? What is their URL?
  9. On your camping trip this summer, you plan to see Mount Rushmore. Which U.S. Presidents' likenesses are preserved in this famous national monument, and who was the scultor?
  10. Your nephew suffers from uncontrollable tics and spontaneous vocal outbursts. What is the name of the disease that most likely afflicts him?
