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Internet Scavenger Hunt #8 (9 on the difficulty scale)

This Internet hunt is part of a series of Internet treasure hunts first published in the Times-Colonist newspaper. Please see the main online hunt index for background and a full list of Internet Hunts.

Use the Google search at the top of your screen under the WebLens logo to answer the questions below. Choose your keywords carefully. Don't just type the question into the form.

  1. In what European country are the towns of Wil and Glarus located?
  2. This woman was the sister of one of Rome's greatest tyrants and the mother of another (at whose hands she died violently). Who was she?
  3. What is the scientific name of the cashew nut?
  4. Who wrote the lyrics to the classic song "Star Dust"? (careful here)
  5. If you ordered "rognons" and "choucroute" in a French restaurant, what would you be served?
  6. What popular flavouring substance comes from the seedpods of a climbing orchid?
  7. Who was the real-life Scottish sailor who inspired Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe".
  8. What kind of wood was supposedly used to build Noah's Ark?
  9. What temperature would you encounter at Absolute Zero?
  10. What does the term "stichomythia" mean?
