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Health, Medicine & Wellness Resources
Online health is big business. The Internet is a giant medical research library, for patients and health care professionals alike. Information available ranges from prestigious journal articles to consumer health portals that provide information for patients researching illness and disease. Many sites cater to physicians and other professionals seeking background reading, diagnostic resources, and treatment alternatives. Sites sponsored by universities, hospitals, professional associations, and medical journals tend to be trusted research sources. Be wary of sites sponsored by pharmaceutical manufacturers, health insurance companies, the news media, or commercial medical organizations. That said, the Internet today is an excellent resource for everything from researching ailments and drug interactions to locating clinical trials, hospitals, medical schools, or even finding a doctor in your neighborhood. It is also a highly effective tool for information sharing and emotional support. Among the resources listed here are searchable healthcare directories and comprehensive megasites that contain information ranging from diseases and medical conditions to diet, nutrition, fitness, and alternative medicine programs. These sites offer chat rooms, lifestyle resources, self-help quizzes, links to thousands of other sites, and all kinds of useful activities. Here's a sampling:
Patient Oriented Resources
MedBroadcast.com (Canadian) Healthopedia VeryWell All Refer health Encyclopedia MediConsult MDChoice DrKoop OnHealth Merck's Health InfoPark Dr. Mirkin (radio doc) HealthAnswers HealthScout WebMD Thrive Online HealthGate Achoo American Medical Association Go Ask Alice Mayo Clinic The MEDguide Healthtouch MedicineNet MD InterActive Merck Manual Dr. Eddy Clinic (Ayurvedic and Traditional) Virtual Hospital OncoLink Mental Health InfoSource Health CanadaPharmacy & Drug Info
RXList Drugstore.com PharmInfo HealthTouch Drug Info FDAMedical Search Engines
Merck Manual HON Search HON MedHunt MDChoice (Physician-reviewed) MedExplorer Health A to Z Medical World Search Thrive Online Medical Library Med Engine HealthFinderOnline Health Code of Conduct
This voluntary "seal of approval" program helps ensure standards for the reliability and credibility of the health information you obtain online.
HON Seal Program URAC Program